How To Unhide Styles In Word For Mac

Mind maps are perfectly used in many situations like a brainstorming session, which enables you to present ideas more effectively. Follow the below steps to create a mind map on Microsoft Word.

This article was written by Chiara Corsaro.Chiara Corsaro is the General Manager and Apple Certified Mac & iOS Technician for macVolks, Inc., an Apple Authorized Service Provider located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Was founded in 1990, is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with an A+ rating, and is part of the Apple Consultants Network (ACN). When creating a template in Word 2010, I open the Manage Styles dialog, go to the 'Recommend' tab and select 'Hide until used' for some particular style. If I've used that style in the template - even if all uses of it have been deleted - the 'Hide until used' text is shown after the style name, but the style name isn't greyed out, and the.

Microsoft Word is equipped with creation and drawing tools that are easy to use and navigate. It is also easy for beginners to create simple mind maps with basic shapes and lines.

Now, all you have to do is follow the steps below so that you can effortlessly create a mind map in Microsoft Word in minutes.

3 Steps to Create a Mind Map Using Microsoft Word

Step 1: Open MS Word and Select Avaliable Shapes

In a new Word document, you can find most of the tools that you will use in the Illustration group on the Insert tab. Click Shapes to open the collapsed menu that has the basic shapes for making a mind map. You can use rectangles or circles to represent the central topic and subtopics, and label the shapes with text boxes.

Step 2: Start to Draw a Mind Map

Now, you can start to create your mind maps by using the shapes in Word. When you draft out the map and place all the topics, connect them with straight lines or arrow lines to represent relationships between different topics.

Step 3: Format Your Mind Map

When the mind map is finished, click on the selected shape (topic or line), and then the Format tab will show on the Ribbon, where you can change the properties of the shape. Alternatively, right-click on the shape and select Format Shape on the context menu to open the right Format Shape pane.

How to Insert a Mind Map into a Word Document

For better mind mapping solutions, try MindMaster, which is specially-designed for making mind maps. It's different from Microsoft Word because it supports to collaborate with other team members on the cloud's file storing and sharing capabilities. What's more, its export feature allows you to create a mind map and effortlessly insert it into a word document.

MindMaster: a full-featured cross-platform mind mapping software

  • Easily create mind maps, fishbone diagrams, timelines, bubble maps, etc.
  • Provide 33 different types of themes and over 700 stylish cliparts.
  • Available on multiple platforms, including PC, mobile, tablet, and web.
  • Seamlessly collaborate with teammates in real-time, anywhere, at any device.
  • Compatible with various file formats, such as MS Office, Visio, PDF, JPG, etc.
1. Open a Blank Mind Map Drawing Page/Choose a Built-in Template

On the File menu, click New. Select Mind Map in Template Categories list and then choose a template.

2. Add Main Topics and Subtopics

Simply press Insert key to add Main Topic shapes on the canvas. You can also select a shape and click the floating button to add a topic or sub-topic.

3. Add Content to Mind Map

To add text to shapes: double-click the shape and type text in the nodes now.

To add marks and clipart to shapes: go to Mark and Clipart panes on the right side of the canvas, there are various marks and clipart, such as priority numbers, flags, resource numbers,etc. You can just drag them onto nodes.

Tips: you can also insert pictures and add them into shapes.

4. Change Theme of Mind Map

Navigate to the right Page/Topic Format pane, where you can choose to change the theme, layout, connector style of the mind map.

5. Export Your Mind Map into a Word Document

When your mind map is complete, click the export button on the Quick Access Toolbar and choose MS Word File. See the video below and get to know more.

Mind Map Templates for Word

Abundant mind map templates are offered to help users make a professional-looking mind map. Everything becomes extremely simple with our mind map templates. They are easily editable, high on readability, and rich in visuals..

Read More:

A style is used to collect a set of formatting properties under a single nameand apply those properties to a content object all at once. This promotesformatting consistency thoroughout a document and across related documentsand allows formatting changes to be made globally by changing the definitionin the appropriate style.

Styles objects¶

class docx.styles.styles.Styles[source]

Provides access to the styles defined in a document.

Accessed using the Document.styles property. Supports len(), iteration,and dictionary-style access by style name.

add_style(name, style_type, builtin=False)[source]

Return a newly added style object of style_type and identifiedby name. A builtin style can be defined by passing True for theoptional builtin argument.


Return the default style for style_type or None if no default isdefined for that type (not common).


The lxml element proxied by this object.


A LatentStyles object providing access to the default behaviors forlatent styles and the collection of _LatentStyle objects thatdefine overrides of those defaults for a particular named latentstyle.

BaseStyle objects¶


Base class for the various types of style object, paragraph, character,table, and numbering. These properties and methods are inherited by allstyle objects.


Read-only. True if this style is a built-in style. Falseindicates it is a custom (user-defined) style. Note this value isbased on the presence of a customStyle attribute in the XML, not onspecific knowledge of which styles are built into Word.


Remove this style definition from the document. Note that callingthis method does not remove or change the style applied to anydocument content. Content items having the deleted style will berendered using the default style, as is any content with a style notdefined in the document.


The lxml element proxied by this object.


True if display of this style in the style gallery and list ofrecommended styles is suppressed. False otherwise. In order to beshown in the style gallery, this value must be False andquick_style must be True.

How To Unhide Styles In Word For Macs


Read/write Boolean. True if this style is locked. A locked styledoes not appear in the styles panel or the style gallery and cannotbe applied to document content. This behavior is only active whenformatting protection is turned on for the document (via theDeveloper menu).


The UI name of this style.


The integer sort key governing display sequence of this style in theWord UI. None indicates no setting is defined, causing Word to usethe default value of 0. Style name is used as a secondary sort key toresolve ordering of styles having the same priority value.


True if this style should be displayed in the style gallery whenhidden is False. Read/write Boolean.


Member of WD_STYLE_TYPE corresponding to the type of this style,e.g. WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH.


True if an application should make this style visible the next timeit is applied to content. False otherwise. Note that python-docx does notautomatically unhide a style having True for this attribute when itis applied to content.

_CharacterStyle objects¶



A character style. A character style is applied to a Run object andprimarily provides character-level formatting via the Font object inits font property.


Style object this style inherits from or None if this style isnot based on another style.


Read-only. True if this style is a built-in style. Falseindicates it is a custom (user-defined) style. Note this value isbased on the presence of a customStyle attribute in the XML, not onspecific knowledge of which styles are built into Word.


Remove this style definition from the document. Note that callingthis method does not remove or change the style applied to anydocument content. Content items having the deleted style will berendered using the default style, as is any content with a style notdefined in the document.


The Font object providing access to the character formattingproperties for this style, such as font name and size.


True if display of this style in the style gallery and list ofrecommended styles is suppressed. False otherwise. In order to beshown in the style gallery, this value must be False andquick_style must be True.


How To Unhide Styles In Word For Mac Os

Read/write Boolean. True if this style is locked. A locked styledoes not appear in the styles panel or the style gallery and cannotbe applied to document content. This behavior is only active whenformatting protection is turned on for the document (via theDeveloper menu).


The UI name of this style.


The integer sort key governing display sequence of this style in theWord UI. None indicates no setting is defined, causing Word to usethe default value of 0. Style name is used as a secondary sort key toresolve ordering of styles having the same priority value.


True if this style should be displayed in the style gallery whenhidden is False. Read/write Boolean.


True if an application should make this style visible the next timeit is applied to content. False otherwise. Note that python-docx does notautomatically unhide a style having True for this attribute when itis applied to content.

_ParagraphStyle objects¶



A paragraph style. A paragraph style provides both character formattingand paragraph formatting such as indentation and line-spacing.


Style object this style inherits from or None if this style isnot based on another style.


Read-only. True if this style is a built-in style. Falseindicates it is a custom (user-defined) style. Note this value isbased on the presence of a customStyle attribute in the XML, not onspecific knowledge of which styles are built into Word.


Remove this style definition from the document. Note that callingthis method does not remove or change the style applied to anydocument content. Content items having the deleted style will berendered using the default style, as is any content with a style notdefined in the document.


The Font object providing access to the character formattingproperties for this style, such as font name and size.


True if display of this style in the style gallery and list ofrecommended styles is suppressed. False otherwise. In order to beshown in the style gallery, this value must be False andquick_style must be True.


Read/write Boolean. True if this style is locked. A locked styledoes not appear in the styles panel or the style gallery and cannotbe applied to document content. This behavior is only active whenformatting protection is turned on for the document (via theDeveloper menu).


The UI name of this style.


_ParagraphStyle object representing the style to be appliedautomatically to a new paragraph inserted after a paragraph of thisstyle. Returns self if no next paragraph style is defined. AssigningNone or self removes the setting such that new paragraphs arecreated using this same style.


The ParagraphFormat object providing access to the paragraphformatting properties for this style such as indentation.


The integer sort key governing display sequence of this style in theWord UI. None indicates no setting is defined, causing Word to usethe default value of 0. Style name is used as a secondary sort key toresolve ordering of styles having the same priority value.


True if this style should be displayed in the style gallery whenhidden is False. Read/write Boolean.


True if an application should make this style visible the next timeit is applied to content. False otherwise. Note that python-docx does notautomatically unhide a style having True for this attribute when itis applied to content.

_TableStyle objects¶



A table style. A table style provides character and paragraph formattingfor its contents as well as special table formatting properties.


Style object this style inherits from or None if this style isnot based on another style.


Read-only. True if this style is a built-in style. Falseindicates it is a custom (user-defined) style. Note this value isbased on the presence of a customStyle attribute in the XML, not onspecific knowledge of which styles are built into Word.


Remove this style definition from the document. Note that callingthis method does not remove or change the style applied to anydocument content. Content items having the deleted style will berendered using the default style, as is any content with a style notdefined in the document.


The Font object providing access to the character formattingproperties for this style, such as font name and size.


True if display of this style in the style gallery and list ofrecommended styles is suppressed. False otherwise. In order to beshown in the style gallery, this value must be False andquick_style must be True.


Read/write Boolean. True if this style is locked. A locked styledoes not appear in the styles panel or the style gallery and cannotbe applied to document content. This behavior is only active whenformatting protection is turned on for the document (via theDeveloper menu).


The UI name of this style.


_ParagraphStyle object representing the style to be appliedautomatically to a new paragraph inserted after a paragraph of thisstyle. Returns self if no next paragraph style is defined. AssigningNone or self removes the setting such that new paragraphs arecreated using this same style.


The ParagraphFormat object providing access to the paragraphformatting properties for this style such as indentation.


The integer sort key governing display sequence of this style in theWord UI. None indicates no setting is defined, causing Word to usethe default value of 0. Style name is used as a secondary sort key toresolve ordering of styles having the same priority value.


True if this style should be displayed in the style gallery whenhidden is False. Read/write Boolean.


True if an application should make this style visible the next timeit is applied to content. False otherwise. Note that python-docx does notautomatically unhide a style having True for this attribute when itis applied to content.

_NumberingStyle objects¶


A numbering style. Not yet implemented.

LatentStyles objects¶

class docx.styles.latent.LatentStyles[source]

Provides access to the default behaviors for latent styles in thisdocument and to the collection of _LatentStyle objects that defineoverrides of those defaults for a particular named latent style.


Return a newly added _LatentStyle object to override the inheriteddefaults defined in this latent styles object for the built-in stylehaving name.

How to unhide styles in word for mac shortcut

Integer between 0 and 99 inclusive specifying the default sort orderfor latent styles in style lists and the style gallery. None if novalue is assigned, which causes Word to use the default value 99.


Boolean specifying whether the default behavior for latent styles isto be hidden. A hidden style does not appear in the recommended listor in the style gallery.


Boolean specifying whether the default behavior for latent styles isto be locked. A locked style does not appear in the styles panel orthe style gallery and cannot be applied to document content. Thisbehavior is only active when formatting protection is turned on forthe document (via the Developer menu).


Boolean specifying whether the default behavior for latent styles isto appear in the style gallery when not hidden.


Boolean specifying whether the default behavior for latent styles isto be unhidden when first applied to content.


The lxml element proxied by this object.


Integer specifying the number of built-in styles to initialize to thedefaults specified in this LatentStyles object. None if there isno setting in the XML (very uncommon). The default Word 2011 templatesets this value to 276, accounting for the built-in styles in Word2010.

_LatentStyle objects¶

class docx.styles.latent._LatentStyle[source]

Proxy for an w:lsdException element, which specifies display behaviorsfor a built-in style when no definition for that style is stored yet inthe styles.xml part. The values in this element override the defaultsspecified in the parent w:latentStyles element.


Remove this latent style definition such that the defaults defined inthe containing LatentStyles object provide the effective value foreach of its attributes. Attempting to access any attributes on thisobject after calling this method will raise AttributeError.


The lxml element proxied by this object.


Tri-state value specifying whether this latent style should appear inthe recommended list. None indicates the effective value isinherited from the parent <w:latentStyles> element.


Tri-state value specifying whether this latent styles is locked.A locked style does not appear in the styles panel or the stylegallery and cannot be applied to document content. This behavior isonly active when formatting protection is turned on for the document(via the Developer menu).


The name of the built-in style this exception applies to.


The integer sort key for this latent style in the Word UI.


Tri-state value specifying whether this latent style should appear inthe Word styles gallery when not hidden. None indicates theeffective value should be inherited from the default values in itsparent LatentStyles object.


Tri-state value specifying whether this style should have itshidden attribute set False the next time the style isapplied to content. None indicates the effective value should beinherited from the default specified by its parent LatentStylesobject.