Mary Did You Know Midi
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Daniel k xonar drivers. This title is a cover of Mary, Did You Know as made famous by Clay Aiken
Mary, Did You Know? Christian Midis, Chords, Lyrics and Tabs.
Formats included:
The CDG format (also called CD+G or MP3+G) is suitable for most karaoke machines. It includes an MP3 and synchronized lyrics.
This universal format works with almost any device (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Connected TVs..)
This format is tailored for Windows Media Player which is setup by default on most Windows computers.
This format is suitable for KaraFun Player, a free karaoke software. It allows you to turn on or off the backing vocals, lead vocals, and change the pitch or tempo.
With backing vocals (with or without vocals in the KFN version)
In the same key as the original: E♭m

Release date: 2005
Genres:Christmas, Christian Music, In English
Composer: Buddy Greene
Songwriter: Mark Alan Lowry
All files available for download are reproduced tracks, they're not the original music.
Lyrics Mary, Did You Know
Mary Did You Know Sheet Music
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Mary Did You Know Midi
A Child, A King | 3:55 | 32k | 3.8M | TXT | A Child Is Born | 3:01 | 32k | 2.9M | TXT |
A Christmas Gloria (P. Gibson) | 3:25 | 27k | 3.3M | TXT | Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Week 1 ABC | 1:17 | 7k | 1.2M | TXT |
Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Week 2 ABC | 1:21 | 7k | 1.3M | TXT | Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Week 3 ABC | 1:22 | 7k | 1.3M | TXT |
Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Week 4 A | 1:19 | 7k | 1.3M | TXT | Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Week 4 BC | 1:21 | 7k | 1.3M | TXT |
Advent Alleluia (Mayernik)-Immaculate Conception | 1:19 | 7k | 1.3M | TXT | Air for Advent | 3:15 | 28k | 3.1M | TXT |
Alleluia Acclamation - Christmas | 1:14 | 6k | 1.2M | TXT | Angels (Jim Brickman) | 3:08 | 15k | 3.0M | TXT |
Angels From the Realms of Glory | 1:21 | 15k | 1.3M | TXT | Angels We Have Heard on High | 3:34 | 23k | 3.4M | TXT |
Angels We Have Heard on High - SATB | 3:33 | 30k | 3.4M | TXT | Away in a Manger | 2:17 | 14k | 2.2M | TXT |
Away in a Manger (L. Harris) | 2:26 | 12k | 2.3M | TXT | Birthday of a King | 2:11 | 14k | 2.1M | TXT |
Birthday of a King - SSATB | 3:19 | 50k | 3.2M | TXT | Birthsong | 4:21 | 19k | 4.2M | TXT |
The Boar's Head Carol | 1:05 | 9k | 1.1M | TXT | Born Is the Light of the World | 4:06 | 23k | 3.9M | TXT |
Born to Die | 2:48 | 36k | 2.7M | TXT | Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light | 3:09 | 17k | 3.0M | TXT |
Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song) | 4:29 | 35k | 4.3M | TXT | Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella | 2:03 | 9k | 2.0M | TXT |
Candlelight Carol (Organ) | 3:45 | 10k | 3.6M | TXT | Candlelight Carol (Woodwinds) | 3:46 | 20k | 3.6M | TXT |
Child of the Poor/What Child Is This | 6:10 | 35k | 5.9M | TXT | Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn | 2:46 | 15k | 2.7M | TXT |
Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn (Brass) | 5:41 | 31k | 5.5M | TXT | Christmas Canon (On This Very Christmas Night) | 2:53 | 18k | 2.8M | TXT |
Christmas Canon - Boys' Choir | 4:12 | 26k | 4.0M | TXT | Christmas Lullaby (J. Rutter) | 4:00 | 25k | 3.8M | TXT |
Christmas Round (R. Merrifield) | 1:25 | 13k | 1.4M | TXT | Clear Through the Night *4 | 4:15 | 20k | 4.1M | TXT |
Come, All Ye Shepherds | 1:39 | 10k | 1.6M | TXT | Come, Blessed Promised One | 4:34 | 46k | 4.4M | TXT |
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus | 2:25 | 15k | 2.4M | TXT | Come to the Stable | 3:54 | 37k | 3.7M | TXT |
Coventry Carol | 1:35 | 7k | 1.5M | TXT | Cry Out with Joy and Gladness | 2:51 | 17k | 2.8M | TXT |
Deck the Halls | 1:34 | 17k | 1.5M | TXT | Ding Dong Merrily on High | 1:55 | 9k | 1.8M | TXT |
En el Frio Invernal (English lyrics) * | 1:40 | 13k | 1.5M | TXT | En el Frio Invernal (Spanish lyrics) * | 1:40 | 13k | 1.5M | TXT |
Fall on Your Knees | 3:46 | 63k | 3.6M | TXT | Finlandia (Be Still My Soul) | 3:07 | 13k | 3.0M | TXT |
The First Noel | 2:29 | 16k | 2.4M | TXT | For unto Us a Child Is Born | 3:57 | 45k | 3.8M | TXT |
Forest Green (Oh Little Town of Bethlehem) | 3:24 | 18k | 3.2M | TXT | The Friendly Beasts | 3:23 | 17k | 3.2M | TXT |
From Heaven on High | 1:42 | 9k | 1.6M | TXT | Gather Around the Christmas Tree | 1:36 | 14k | 1.6M | TXT |
Gesu Bambino | 4:11 | 34k | 4.0M | TXT | Go Tell It on the Mountain (a la Canadian Brass) | 2:38 | 8k | 2.5M | TXT |
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen | 1:15 | 7k | 1.2M | TXT | Good Christian Men Rejoice | 1:42 | 10k | 1.6M | TXT |
Good King Wenceslas | 2:03 | 13k | 2.0M | TXT | Gospel Acclamation - Christmas Vigil (O Alstott) | 0:53 | 5k | 0.9M | TXT |
The Greatest Gift of All | 3:35 | 25k | 3.4M | TXT | Hallelujah! Joy to the World! | 4:36 | 75k | 4.4M | TXT |
Hark the Glad Sound (Haweis) | 3:45 | 21k | 3.6M | TXT | Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | 2:53 | 17k | 2.7M | TXT |
He Is Born | 2:01 | 8k | 2.0M | TXT | The Holly and the Ivy | 1:21 | 8k | 1.3M | TXT |
How Brightly Beams the Morning Star | 2:48 | 20k | 2.7M | TXT | How Great Our Joy (Echo Carol) | 2:13 | 19k | 2.1M | TXT |
How Quietly | 3:28 | 35k | 3.3M | TXT | The Huron Christmas Carol | 1:36 | 11k | 1.6M | TXT |
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day | 2:05 | 13k | 2.0M | TXT | I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In | 1:28 | 7k | 1.4M | TXT |
I Wonder As I Wander | 3:59 | 19k | 3.8M | TXT | In Bethlehem's Lowly Manger | 3:38 | 25k | 3.5M | TXT |
In Old Judea | 3:11 | 24k | 3.0M | TXT | In the Bleak Midwinter | 3:28 | 20k | 3.3M | TXT |
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly | 1:38 | 14k | 1.5M | TXT | Is There Room? | 4:02 | 49k | 3.9M | TXT |
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear | 4:12 | 18k | 4.0M | TXT | It Was a Starry Night | 3:47 | 36k | 3.6M | TXT |
Jesus Born on This Day (M. Carey) | 3:26 | 20k | 3.3M | TXT | Jesus Is Sleeping Tonight | 2:46 | 18k | 2.6M | TXT |
Jesus Is the Light of the World (C. Daniels) | 3:00 | 35k | 2.9M | TXT | Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth | 3:23 | 15k | 3.2M | TXT |
Jesus, Name Above All Names | 4:18 | 90k | 4.2M | TXT | Jesus, Tiny Child | 4:18 | 20k | 4.1M | TXT |
Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem | 1:56 | 24k | 1.9M | TXT | Joy to the World | 2:17 | 17k | 2.2M | TXT |
Leroy the Redneck Reindeer | 3:18 | 30k | 3.2M | TXT | Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence | 1:52 | 10k | 1.8M | TXT |
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - SATB | 4:17 | 22k | 4.1M | TXT | Light the Advent Candle | 4:17 | 21k | 4.1M | TXT |
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming | 2:25 | 17k | 2.3M | TXT | The Maiden and Her Child | 3:42 | 14k | 3.5M | TXT |
The Manger Carol | 6:12 | 17k | 5.9M | TXT | A Manger Filled with Love | 4:13 | 30k | 4.0M | TXT |
Maranatha (G. Chiusano) | 4:31 | 24k | 4.3M | TXT | Mary, Did You Know? | 3:08 | 15k | 3.0M | TXT |
Mary, Did You Know? (choral arr. - J. Schrader) | 3:45 | 39k | 3.6M | TXT | Mary's Boy Child | 3:51 | 17k | 3.7M | TXT |
Mighty Kings and Lowly Shepherds *3 | 3:28 | 29k | 3.3M | TXT | Musical Sleighride (Leopold Mozart) | 2:55 | 15k | 2.8M | TXT |
My Son, My Lord (from 'Jesus Our Treasure') | 4:39 | 27k | 4.5M | TXT | Nativity Carol (O'Brien) | 3:19 | 17k | 3.2M | TXT |
The Night Before Christmas - Piano Solo | 7:20 | 23k | 7.0M | TXT | Nine Little Reindeer | 2:00 | 19k | 2.0M | TXT |
No Candle Was There and No Fire | 2:07 | 19k | 2.0M | TXT | Nutcracker Medley (3 short songs) | 2:27 | 13k | 2.4M | TXT |
O Come, All Ye Faithful | 2:35 | 19k | 2.3M | TXT | O Come, All Ye Faithful - SAB (Proulx) | 4:55 | 22k | 4.7M | TXT |
O Come, Divine Messiah | 2:59 | 24k | 2.8M | TXT | O Come, O Come Emmanuel | 3:05 | 21k | 3.0M | TXT |
O Come, O Come Emmanuel - SATB | 3:11 | 28k | 3.1M | TXT | O Hear the Angel Voices | 5:52 | 98k | 5.3M | TXT |
O Hearken Ye | 2:08 | 16k | 2.1M | TXT | O Holy Night | 3:29 | 16k | 3.2M | TXT |
O Holy Night (arr. J. Biery - version 1) | 5:51 | 44k | 5.6M | TXT | O Holy Night (Piano Solo) | 3:48 | 21k | 3.7M | TXT |
O Little Town of Bethlehem | 2:16 | 14k | 2.2M | TXT | O Sanctissima | 1:52 | 9k | 1.8M | TXT |
O Sanctissima - STB | 3:01 | 11k | 2.9M | TXT | O Sing a Song of Bethlehem | 2:15 | 16k | 2.2M | TXT |
O Tannenbaum | 1:07 | 4k | 1.1M | TXT | On This Day Earth Shall Ring | 2:36 | 14k | 2.5M | TXT |
On This Your Birthday | 0:50 | 5k | 0.8M | TXT | Once in Royal David's City | 2:46 | 16k | 2.6M | TXT |
Once upon a Christmas | 3:48 | 25k | 3.7M | TXT | One Bright Star | 3:04 | 19k | 3.0M | TXT |
One Small Child | 2:20 | 14k | 2.2M | TXT | Our Lord Emmanuel | 5:03 | 71k | 4.9M | TXT |
Peace Is Born on Earth | 4:38 | 27k | 4.4M | TXT | People Look East | 1:59 | 18k | 1.9M | TXT |
Proclaim the Joyful Message | 2:51 | 17k | 2.8M | TXT | Psalm 98 - Unto Us a Child Is Born | 2:44 | 14k | 2.6M | TXT |
Raise the Christmas Hallelujah | 5:12 | 76k | 3.1M | TXT | Savior of the Nations, Come | 2:08 | 14k | 2.1M | TXT |
See, Amid the Winter's Snow (J. Goss) | 2:55 | 20k | 2.8M | TXT | See, Amid the Winter's Snow (K. Keil) | 1:42 | 7k | 1.6M | TXT |
See, Amid the Winter's Snow (St. Gregory's) | 4:18 | 36k | 4.1M | TXT | Shepherd's Music (Bach) | 6:38 | 25k | 6.4M | TXT |
Silent Night, Holy Night (version 1) | 2:43 | 12k | 2.6M | TXT | Silent Night, Holy Night (version 2) | 4:03 | 25k | 3.8M | TXT |
Silent Night, Holy Night (Communion Rite) | 5:38 | 35k | 5.7M | TXT | Silver Bells | 2:06 | 15k | 2.0M | TXT |
Sing We Noel (R. Vale) | 2:42 | 27k | 2.6M | TXT | Sing We Now of Christmas | 2:16 | 23k | 2.2M | TXT |
Sleep, O Little One *2 | 5:51 | 23k | 5.6M | TXT | The Snow Lay on the Ground | 2:33 | 15k | 2.5M | TXT |
Song of Mary and Joseph | 3:28 | 43k | 3.4M | TXT | The Star of Christmas Morning | 1:31 | 9k | 1.5M | TXT |
Stay with Us | 2:08 | 12k | 2.0M | TXT | Still, Still, Still | 2:17 | 13k | 2.2M | TXT |
Sussex Carol | 1:54 | 13k | 1.8M | TXT | Sweet Child of Bethlehem | 3:40 | 35k | 3.5M | TXT |
Sweet Chiming Bells | 3:07 | 26k | 3.0M | TXT | That Beautiful Name | 3:47 | 23k | 3.7M | TXT |
That Night in Bethlehem | 3:10 | 23k | 3.0M | TXT | There's a Song in the Air | 2:00 | 15k | 1.9M | TXT |
To a Maid Engaged to Joseph | 2:46 | 20k | 2.7M | TXT | The Traveler (R. Merrifield) | 2:56 | 29k | 2.8M | TXT |
Vamos, Vamos, Vamos | 2:15 | 31k | 2.2M | TXT | Veni, Veni | 4:04 | 23k | 3.9M | TXT |
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy | 4:08 | 33k | 4.0M | TXT | We Are So Glad on Christmas Eve | 1:48 | 12k | 1.8M | TXT |
We Three Kings | 4:25 | 28k | 4.2M | TXT | We Wish You a Merry Christmas | 1:29 | 17k | 1.4M | TXT |
Welcome, Son of Mary | 2:37 | 12k | 2.5M | TXT | What Child Is This | 3:13 | 10k | 3.0M | TXT |
When a Child Is Born | 2:38 | 16k | 2.5M | TXT | When Christmas Morn Is Dawning | 1:46 | 11k | 1.7M | TXT |
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Christmas) | 1:28 | 8k | 1.4M | TXT | While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Winch Old) | 2:43 | 14k | 2.6M | TXT |
White Christmas | 2:53 | 10k | 2.8M | TXT | The Wise May Bring Their Learning (Forest Green) | 2:39 | 14k | 2.6M | TXT |
The Wood of the Cradle | 5:14 | 27k | 5.0M | TXT | Zion Hort die Wachter Singen | 3:49 | 28k | 3.6M | TXT |