Netcut Wifi

NetCut is a tool for Windows PCs to help you to protect your WiFi network detecting any intruder that may have accessed it by IP, device or MAC address. As you already know, there are quite a few users out there that are very keen on penetrating private. Netcut is a well known Windows program that can cut off a person’s connection when connected in the same network. It is as easy as downloading and installing netcut, running the program, selecting a computer from the list and clicking a button. It takes merely a few seconds for the attack to take effect. Aplikasi NetCut ini juga biasa digunakan pada jaringan Wifi Public. Misalnya di tempat-tempat umum, sekolah, kampus, dan tempat lainnya yang sudah menyediakan jaringan Wifi. Untuk penggunaan NetCut, kita cukup perlu mendownload dan melakukan instalasi aplikasi NetCut pada komputer/laptop anda kemudian menjalankanya.

Anti Netcut is a software program for protection against the ARP spoofing attacks. In case, your system has no anti netcut protection, it becomes vulnerable to attacks of wifikill and netcut.

Netcut Wifikill

If you have read my previous posts on Wifikill and Netcut, you already aware about the these software and their working. Wifikill is a networking app for android which can be used to disable internet access of users which are connected to same network as yours. This means anyone who has wifikill app can kick your device off the Wi-Fi network and you will not be able to access the Internet. The purpose of Netcut(Wifikill for PC) software is same, the only difference is netcut is for windows PC while wifikill is for android. You can face this problem mainly when you are using public Wi-Fi network.
Someone can disable your internet access in order to get the maximum bandwidth for himself. But do not worry, if there is netcut , there is an anti netcut too. The anti netcut software provides protection against wifikill too.This post is about how you can protect your PC from attack of Wifikill or netcut. There is separate software program available to protect against Netcut by name Netcut Defender . But there is also provision of protection against the attack in the netcut itself. The former is better option as you do not required to install an extra program. To enable protection against wifikill or Netcut, follow this guide.
Netcut Wifi

Anti netcut-How to Prevent Wifikill attacks ?

1. First download the Netcut software from the link provided below and install it. I am not going to explain the installation process in detail as it is already available in my previous post about Netcut. You can read it here –
If Netcut is already installed on your system you can directly skip to second step.

2. Open the netcut window. In order to protect your system against the ARP spoofing attack
(netcut attack), you just need to check the box ‘Protect my computer’ on the top left corner.

Netcut Wifi

3. When the attacker tries to disable to your internet access using Netcut or wifikill(from an android device), and if you have running the Netcut software in the background (with ‘Protect my computer’ box checked), it will have no effect on your internet connection.

Netcut Free Download

4. The same can be archived by downloading and installing anti netcut software named ‘Netcut defender’ but I found the above method easy to understand and use.

Free Download Netcut Full Version

Please note that you are only protected from such attacks if the netcut is running in the background. If Netcut is not started, your system is vulnerable to attacks. Have any questions or queries, please let me know in comment section and I will try to sort it out.