Skyrim Creation Kit Player Home

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Make Riftweald Manor your home after it becomes vacant...

2) Place Riftweald Manor Player Home.esp into your Skyrim data directory folder. 3) Set the load order. 4) Anywhere other than Riftweald Manor open console and type 'ResetInterior RiftenMercerFreyHouse' without quotes. Creating player house in creation kit question I just wanted to know if i could place my house outside of a city or town. I wanted to create a house that was a little farther outside in the work of skyrim (not in the middle of a marsh) but just out in the open world and if so what would i have to do to do this?

Test mod made using Skyrim Creation Kit. The Skyrim Creation Kit is a built-in tool that allows players to create mods for Skyrim. The mods are downloadable in the Steam Workshop on.

I didn't see the sense in Riftweald Manor staying vacant when it would make pretty good home for a Guildmaster when overhauled.
This mod is intended to be used with Thieves Guild Overhaul and should be consistent with the lighting level of my other interior overhaul mods and Realistic Lighting Overhaul. Please can you at least calibrate your monitor and install this mod before telling me it's too dark...
All the lighting made to look realistic (dependent on which lighting mod you're using).
Becomes fully-fledged player home with advantages such as sleep 'well rested bonus' and 'no reset zone' storage.
Plenty of storage containers without looking too obvious and out of place.
Fireplace moved from main bedroom down to the kitchen.
Adds a book shelf, weapon racks and shield hanging.
Adds a follower room in the basement (followers don't often use their beds but there you go...).
Clears up the junk room for use as an enchanting and alchemy room.
Gates open between Riftweald Manor and the Temple of Mara.
Loads of other stuff.
File cleaned with TES5Edit.

Skyrim Creation Kit Download Steam

1) Install only after you have completed Darkness Returns (the key to open Riftweald Manor will not turn up until you've finished it).

Skyrim Creation Kit Player Home Tutorial

2) Place Riftweald Manor Player Home.esp into your Skyrim data directory folder.
3) Set the load order.
4) Anywhere other than Riftweald Manor open console and type 'ResetInterior RiftenMercerFreyHouse' without quotes.
5) Look for the key on the Guildmaster's desk in the The Ragged Flagon - Cistern.
If you are using Thieves Guild Overhaul this mod goes before it in the load order.
Riftweald Manor Player Home.esp

Bethesda Creation Kit

Thieves Guild Overhaul.esp
Lighting Mod Compatibility(Important)
If you use this mod with a lighting mod that replaces or changes the Riftweald Manor cell lighting, you may have to remove those edits from your lighting mod with TES5Edit and place this mod after your lighting mod in your load order. If you do not take out the lighting cell edits you will have too many lights
for the Skyrim engine to handle...
Cell to remove from your lighting mod:
FormID / Cell

Skyrim Creation Kit Player Home Games

Block 0, Sub-Block 5
RiftenMercerFreyHouse 'Riftweald Manor' [CELL:00037CC6]
Bugs and Stuff
The main/dining room weapon rack might 'eat' weapons and become unusable. This glitch only seems to happen with iron greatswords, this may or may not be the save I was using for testing as it has cleared up when I reverted to an earlier save.
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Riftweald Manor Player Home v1.01

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